Setram Résa+ Apk

Setram Résa+

On-Demand Transport Service of the Setram network

Setram Résa+ is an innovative travel app designed for the people of Strasbourg, France. The app provides real-time information on the public transportation system in the city, allowing users to plan their journeys efficiently and with ease. With Setram Résa+, users can easily purchase tickets through their smartphones, track their rides on the map, receive important notifications, and benefit from many other features. This app has been designed to simplify the commuting experience for residents and visitors of Strasbourg, saving valuable time and making their daily life more comfortable. If you are looking for a reliable and convenient travel app, Setram Résa+ is the solution for you. Download it today and start exploring the city like never before!

App Information

May 03, 2024
App Description
Setram Resa+ est le service de Transport à la Demande du réseau Setram, pour la desserte des secteurs moins denses et en complément des lignes existantes sur le territoire de Le Mans Métropole. C'est un service accessible uniquement sur réservation, dynamique et innovant.