Plakoto - Tapa - Mahbuse Apk

Plakoto - Tapa - Mahbuse

Plakoto, just start and play!

Plakoto, Tapa and Mahbuse are traditional board games that have been enjoyed for centuries in various parts of the world. Today, you can enjoy these ancient games on your mobile devices with the Plakoto - Tapa - Mahbuse app. This app offers a user-friendly interface and exciting gameplay, allowing you to experience the thrill of these classic board games anytime and anywhere. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, you are sure to find hours of fun with this app. So why not give it a try and see if you have what it takes to be a Plakoto, Tapa, or Mahbuse champion?

App Information

May 03, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
Recommend the game to your friends, go online and play with them!

Plakoto is one of three backgammon games popular in Greece (Πλακωτο). The other two are Fevga and Portes. The three games together are called Tavli.
Plakoto is also played in Bulgaria where it is known as Tapa and in Middle East where it known as Mahbouseh, محبوسة, Mahbuse.

* No Banners, only ads between games!
* 7 game boards and ALL for FREE!
* 6 difficulty levels
* Online multiplayer
* Online ELO rating
* Bluetooth multiplayer
* One or Two player mode
* Game dice statistics
* Dices without cheat
* Game does not eat battery
* Long move
* Undo move
* Small package size

Main difference from Narde and Tawla 31: pinning the blots. In Plakoto player's skills give more than 90% probability to win. Regular Backgammon gives only about 70%.
Ratings and reviews
5 1,084
4 166
3 41
2 41
1 104